Saturday, November 24, 2007

KU vs. Missou

I think we know who the munch kin is going for.... ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Finally utilizing the Family Photo Studio...

My sisters boyfriend is a musician in town and his sister is a singer songwriter in Atlanta, GA. We were able to use a building that my family bought about 3yrs. ago to convert into a photography/audio recording studio... we're still a couple years away from finishing her out right but it will be done!!! Here are some of the photos from this mornings shoot.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

This kid cracks me up.

It's hard to believe but our little man will be 4mo. next weekend :( It's hard to explain but it feels like he's been here our whole lives but doesn't seem like he should be 4months already. He is quite the little talker. My mother bought him a little lay on the floor play station with animals hanging from it. Kayla will lay him down there and he'll just talk and talk to his little animals! He's hilarious! Looking forward to the crawling and the walking. He can hold off on the talking for a while!

Justin and Kayla

Working on a new Website!

I'm feeling a bit, "hair on fire" lately. I've been focusing so much on other peoples material that my own is suffering badly. Any of you who frequent my website,, you know that it does not get updated nearly enough and half of the functions don't work. This is exactly what I get for doing my own site. This month, with some help from a little time off and my broseph Josh, it will be conquered!!!


Monday, November 12, 2007

Beautiful Fall Day...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

New Music

So as explicit as it may be, my bro left a CD in my truck the other day that has completely blown me away. Say Anything's "In Defense of the Genre" album is some of the best song writing I've heard in a long time. The lyrics are a bit confusing and vulgar to say the least but the song writing is down right amazing. The music is so eclectic it will almost drive you nuts. From "Metal" to "Broadway" it is absolutely amazing. Check it out if you're up to it but be ware of the rawness of every track. Killer album! It really drives me to be a better drummer and musician.

JC Launches Today

The all new launches today. There are still a few things that need completion yet but it is online and ready to work it's magic! Check it out at A special thanks to Josh Cary of Statement Media Group for converting my design to the web. Ahhhhh, Adobe CS3 works wonders!!!

New StraightLine Catalog Complete

Over the past few months we have been working on a new catalog for StraightLine HDD in Yoder, KS. I know what you're thinking, "the last couple of months!!!" I was in charge of not only the design but of every single image that went into the 32 pages. This means every product shot, every live manufacturing shot, every last detail was shot and designed by yours truly. This is a very pain staking process!!! Low and behold it is done and was excepted very well in the Directional Drilling community. StraightLine took the catalog to ICUEE, the largest construction trade show in the states, and had great response from them. Hallelujah!!!! We're done!

Canon drops a new Prototype. 200mm f2.0

For a wedding photographer this lens is an essential tool for the bag. Nikon has had this lens for quite some time now and it's always hurt my brain trying to figure out why Canon hasn't pushed it into production. Well, it's close to being here... I'll have to find a second job to pay for it, if they price it anything like Nikon this bad boy will be 4k!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Playing Catch Up.... My Perfect Life.

As I mentioned a couple of entries ago.... I'm new to this so I'm kind of playing catch up so I can get on track! My wife, Kayla, and I had our first child on July 24 and have been overwhelmed by the amount of love we both have for him. I may be a little excessive in my memory capturing but Jace has a library all to himself on the "BIG" hard drive on my computer :) I used to hear people talk about how they love their kids so much and they bring them so much joy, but you never really understand that until you have one of your own! I have to hand it to Kayla, she has him all day and is so beat when I walk through the door. God has blessed us with the opportunity for her to be a "stay at home" mom and we are loving every minute of it. This Blog will more than likely be a shrine to Jace so we might as well start it now!


Playa del Carmen, Mexico


OK, Call me old fashion or just reallllllllly behind. This, right here, is my first ever blog entry.

Over the last few months I've had so many things going on outside of my natural, "Wichita, KS" environment that I have decided to start a blog for my friends and family to keep closer tabs on me.

Here are some of my latest wedding photos. Over the weekend of the 20th, my wife, son and I packed up and headed down to Orlando to shoot a beautiful wedding on Lake Buena Vista. We arrived back in Wichita on Monday and I promptly jumped on a plane to Cancun, Mexico. I arrived in Cancun, took a short 45 min. shuttle down the road and shot an absolutely gorgeous wedding in Playa del Carmen. I want to extend a special thanks to the Strohl's and Bottenberg's for all the hospitality and taking such good care of me. I'd also like to thank the Brown/LaRou families for their wonderful accommodations in Orlando!

Thanks again to everyone that took the time to fly down to Mexico and make the wedding such a wonderful time!