Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Canon drops a new Prototype. 200mm f2.0

For a wedding photographer this lens is an essential tool for the bag. Nikon has had this lens for quite some time now and it's always hurt my brain trying to figure out why Canon hasn't pushed it into production. Well, it's close to being here... I'll have to find a second job to pay for it, if they price it anything like Nikon this bad boy will be 4k!


Blogger Buck said...

as far as I know, canon had on this class first, they went into production with a faster 200mm F1.8 before nikon made the 200mm f2.0- it was too expensive and the production was discontinued. then when nikon released theyre f2.0 inivitably canon would like to compete, but f1.8 was to expensive to produce. they decided to make it a f2.0 also.........PAG

April 23, 2008 at 3:34 AM  

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