Thursday, April 3, 2008

Adobe... Need I say more?

So, I can't say my life is complete... but my job sure might be. I downloaded the newest release of Lightroom (2.0) Beta test today. I cannot believe how far this program has come. If you are unaware of what the modern day wedding photographer goes through, I'll shed some light.

I show up early in the morning... Snap off my first 500 photos hanging with the Bride and her girls getting ready and doing what it is they do to prepare for the biggest day of one of their dear friends lives! I download the card before arriving at the Ceremony and start over fresh. By the end of the day I have 1500 or so photos to edit and prepare for the newly married couple when they return from their honeymoon.

With Photoshop it was impossible, with early versions of Lightroom it was doable. Now, it's on... If I could shoot two weddings a day I would but there some issue with me being one person, or something of that nature.

I can't wait to put this program to the ultimate test, but the day is upon me very soon... this weekend in fact :) Adobe, keep doing what it is you do to make our lives and jobs more efficient!

So I'm a nerd, Shut-up!



Blogger kim said...

yeah, you're a nerd but you're fairly productive. So that's something. :)

April 4, 2008 at 4:31 PM  

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