Old Friend - New Family
Today I had the pleasure of shooting a good friend of mines family photos. He has a beautiful wife, Sara, and a little baby girl, Hazel. I don't shoot a lot of family photos but I sure had a good time today. Thanks Paul!
FREE Senior Session!
For all you Seniors, Friends of Seniors and Parents of Seniors, I am running an awesome deal! I am not charging a Session Fee and have all new packages and pricing. It is safe to say that you will be getting a much larger bang for your buck! It's worth checking out!!!! Please pass on the word! More affordable competitive pricing with the same great work connected to the other end!!!
Justin Cary
Merry Christmas - From Jace
Gagga Googoo drool splat HOHOHO!
So... that website I was promising all of you is finally done! I had just enough time to myself over the holidays to get it all wrapped up. Like my old site it will be constantly updated with new photos and even some news on the home page! Please take a look and gimme some feedback!!! Thanks for all of your support over the last few years, it's friends and family like mine that keep me keepin' on!
w w w. j u s t i n c a r y p h o t o g r a p h y . c o m